Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris SMA Captions



Read the caption and answer the question.


The caption above is a heading of news. Which one is the correct news content?


About 300 children gather in Coronationville Secondary School as they wait for a food and goods distribution ahead of Christmas, led by grassroots charity Hunger Has No Religion, in Johanessburg, South Africa on Wednesday, December 23, 2020.


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, their sons Hadrien and Xavier, and daughter Ella-Grace, second right, prepare to pose in front of the Taj Mahal in Agra, India, on Sunday.


Thousands of people have poured into the Armenian capital's main square as the opposition continues its campaign to pressure Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to quit over last month's cease-fire deal with Azerbaijan.


Twelve years of study boiled down into one eight-hour test for graduating high-schoolers - the 'Suneung', South Korea's college entrance exam, announced results on December 23, 2020.


On December 17, 2020, President-elect of the USA Joe Biden nominated Deb Haaland to lead the Interior Department. She would be the first Native American leading a cabinet-level agency if the Senate confirmed.


Terjemahan soal dan jawabannya adalah:

Baca keterangan gambar dan jawab pertanyaannya.

Bagi para lulusan sekolah menengah Korea Selatan, hasil ujian masuk memberikan kelegaan.

Judul di atas adalah judul berita. Manakah konten berita yang benar?

Terjemahan pilihan jawaban:

  • About 300 children gather in Coronationville Secondary School as they wait for a food and goods distribution ahead of Christmas, led by grassroots charity Hunger Has No Religion, in Johanessburg, South Africa on Wednesday, December 23, 2020. -- Sekitar 300 anak berkumpul di Coronationville Secondary School saat mereka menunggu pembagian makanan dan barang menjelang Natal, dipimpin oleh badan amal masyarakat biasa, Hunger Has No Religion, di Johanessburg, Afrika Selatan .pada Rabu, 23 Desember 2020.
  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, their sons Hadrien and Xavier, and daughter Ella-Grace, second right, prepare to pose in front of the Taj Mahal in Agra, India, on Sunday. -- Perdana Menteri Kanada Justin Trudeau, istrinya, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, putra mereka Hadrien dan Xavier, dan putri Ella-Grace, kedua dari kanan, bersiap untuk berpose di depan Taj Mahal di Agra, India, pada hari Minggu.
  • Thousands of people have poured into the Armenian capital's main square as the opposition continues its campaign to pressure Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to quit over last month's cease-fire deal with Azerbaijan. -- Ribuan orang membanjiri alun-alun utama ibu kota Armenia ketika partai oposisi melanjutkan kampanyenya untuk menekan Perdana Menteri Nikol Pashinyan agar mundur karena kesepakatan gencatan senjata bulan lalu dengan Azerbaijan.
  • Twelve years of study boiled down into one eight-hour test for graduating high-schoolers - the 'Suneung', South Korea's college entrance exam, announced results on December 23, 2020. -- Dua belas tahun belajar diringkas menjadi satu tes berdurasi delapan jam untuk lulusan sekolah menengah - 'Suneung', ujian masuk perguruan tinggi Korea Selatan, mengumumkan hasilnya pada 23 Desember 2020.
  • On December 17, 2020, President-elect of the USA Joe Biden nominated Deb Haaland to lead the Interior Department. She would be the first Native American leading a cabinet-level agency if the Senate confirmed. -- Pada 17 Desember 2020, Presiden terpilih AS Joe Biden menominasikan Deb Haaland untuk memimpin Departemen Dalam Negeri. Dia akan menjadi orang Amerika Pribumi pertama yang memimpin badan tingkat kabinet jika Senat mengonfirmasi.

Pada soal terdapat caption dalam gambar yang merupakan tajuk sebuah berita selanjutnya. Sesuai caption tersebut diinformasikan bahwa terjadi kampanye dari oposisi (opposition) dan didukung warga sipil yang menuntut perdana menterinya (Prime Minister) Nikol Pashinyan untuk mundur (quit over).

Pilihan jawaban yang menggunakan frasa yang di dalam kurung adalah:

Thousands of people have poured into the Armenian capital's main square as the opposition continues its campaign to pressure Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to quit over last month's cease-fire deal with Azerbaijan. 

(Ribuan orang membanjiri alun-alun utama ibu kota Armenia ketika partai oposisi melanjutkan kampanyenya untuk menekan Perdana Menteri Nikol Pashinyan agar mundur karena kesepakatan gencatan senjata bulan lalu dengan Azerbaijan.)

Jadi isi berita yang benar adalah "Thousands of people have poured into the Armenian capital's main square as the opposition continues its campaign to pressure Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to quit over last month's cease-fire deal with Azerbaijan."

K13 Kelas XII Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Inggris Captions Captions Skor 2
LOTS Memahami
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